How To Identify The Ghosts Of "Specter" On "Roblox"

Since Roblox offers you a lot more games, Specter is the one that is exceptional among all. It gives you a scary vibe as the game revolves around ghosts. You need to team up with your friends and investigate and identify the ghosts. Moreover, I personally love this game as it offers different challenges. One needs to enter the game and use paranormal equipment to burst the ghost racket. If you are excited about this then read this full article to know how to identify the ghosts of Specter on Roblox.

Specter is a horror game that you can enjoy playing with your friends. Moreover, there are different ghosts that you will encounter, and identifying them is a big problem. So, let us see how to identify the ghosts of “Specter” on “Roblox”. Banshee – EMF 5, Fingerprints, Freezing Temperatures. Demon – Spirit Box, Writings, Freezing Temperatures. Mare – Spirit Box, Ghost Orbs, Freezing Temperatures, etc. Moreover, for the full list of ghost evidence, refer below.

Specter Gameplay

How To Identify The Ghosts Of "Specter" On "Roblox"

The gameplay is very clear. You need to team up with your friends and you need to collect evidence to identify the type of ghost in the game. You need to use the types of equipment and available tools to discover the ghost that is haunting you and your friends. The thing is you need to collect all three pieces of evidence that each ghost has left so you can easily identify the type of ghost.

In the game, different ghosts will appear and will behave accordingly so you need to collect the evidence and investigate the type of ghost. The game will start when one of the players among you exits the van. Moreover, a map will be assigned to you and the ghost is free to roam anywhere on the map. One thing is that the ghost can’t go outside to haunt the players. But to scare you ghosts can still do some scary activities like throwing items out the window, tripping the fuse, shutting doors, making strange sounds, etc. Each ghost will occupy a certain room where you can go and collect evidence to identify the ghost.

Once the players enter the building the doors will be locked preventing the players from escaping. As soon as the ghost starts chasing you after that you can feel strange things like your screen will start becoming blurry, you will start hearing strange sounds in the background, your flashlight will begin to flicker, etc.

Types Of Equipment You Will Need While Playing Specter On Roblox

Here is a list of equipment that is a must while playing this game. Without these types of equipment, you won’t be able to identify the ghosts. So, let us check it.

1. Flashlight

2. Candle & Lighter

3. EMF Reader

4. Glowstick

5. Thermometer

6. Motion Sensor

7. Spirit Box

8. Ghost Goggles

9. Video Camera

10. Sanity Soda

Now, let us talk about these types of equipment in detail.

1. Flashlight

The flashlight is the first and basic thing that is required in this game. As it is the only main source of light you need it in the game. You need the light to watch out the things. The best thing is that you don’t have to search or buy it as it is already in the default item. It is available for every member of your group.

2. Candle & Lighter

Candle & lighter is the thing that you need in this game. You can either buy them separately or you can buy them together. But you need to keep both together. In order to use a candle & lighter you need to first keep the candle down & then pull the lighter out to light it. This candle will give you light only for 5 minutes. The light of the candle increases your sanity when you stand in the light of the candle. Every time a ghost drains your sanity you can use this light to charge up quickly and increase your sanity. The price of a candle is $30 and a lighter is $25.

3. EMF Reader

Some of you might know about EMF readers. It is a device that is used by paranormal investigators to detect ghosts. It is one of the easiest ways to find out about the ghost. There are different readings in the EMF reader ranging from 1 to 5.

EMF reading 1 (green) indicates that everything is okay and there is no evidence of a ghost. EMF reading 2 (yellow) means there is some kind of ghost in your room and the EMF will start beeping. After that EMF reading 3 (light orange) describes that there is some kind of ghost activity in the room and you can notice that easily. EMF reading 4 (dark orange) will get you in trouble and the ghost may appear in front of you. Moreover, EMF reading 5 (red) clearly describes that ghosts may haunt you and your EMF will start beeping continuously. You can easily buy an EMF for $100.

4. Glowstick

A glowstick is a small piece of light that provides you with a huge source of light. When you throw a glowstick on the ground everything will instantly glow up letting you see everything. You can buy it for $40 from the shop.

5. Thermometer

The thermometer is another source of finding ghost rooms. You can easily record thermometer readings in your journal. If the reading is at 4 degrees or below that means you have entered the ghost room. And if the temperature goes below zero then it is clear evidence of a ghost. You can buy a thermometer for $100 in the shop.

6. Motion Sensor

Motion sensor is the equipment used for recording ghost movement. You can place the motion sensor in the specific place where you think ghost movement is maximum. Whenever a ghost bypasses the sensor a red light with a beeping sound will be detected in the motion sensor. The price of the motion sensor will cost around $120.

7. Spirit Box

A spirit box is a way to communicate with the ghost. You can enter the room where you think is a ghost then you can switch off all the lights. Moreover, you can carry along a glowstick and put it down on the ground so that it keeps glowing. Now, you can ask different questions to the ghost with the help of the spirit box. Like Are you male or female? How old you are? Are you still in the room? Turn on the light, drop something, etc. Sometimes, ghosts can respond to you with the help of a spirit box. The cost of the spirit box is $100.

8. Ghost Goggles

Ghost goggles are used to find ghost orbs which are neon purple floating balls located in the ghost room to give you evidence. One of your team members must wear ghost goggles to find the ghost evidence. You can buy these goggles for $125.

9. Video Camera

The video camera provides you with the best & safest way to record ghost activity. You can simply place the video camera in the ghost room and you can connect your camera with your tablet and watch ghost activity by sitting in the van. Make sure to keep the angle of the video camera in the right position to view the ghost activity. You can buy it for $200.

10. Sanity Soda

When a ghost haunts you every time your sanity decreases. However, sanity soda increases your sanity by 20%. When your sanity drops under 30% then you can start hearing whispering sounds. Sanity soda comes to rescue you at a crucial time. Moreover, It is a life-saving drug for you. It will cost you around $100.

Types Of Ghosts In Specter

There are 14 different types of ghosts you can find in Specter. They all possess different characters and behaviors. So, let us talk about these ghosts in detail.

1. Banshee

Banshee is a very dangerous ghost in specter which you find running after one member. It attacks one person at a time. Also, their gender is not classified in this game. They can be seen screaming horribly or weeping silently. Their special character is they only target one player at a time.

2. Demon

Demon is a violent ghost that attacks aggressively. It can haunt you in no time. It can drain your sanity 5% faster. So, you need to keep a check on your sanity when this type of ghost is around. It attacks more frequently than any other ghost. So, I will suggest you keep a check on this ghost.

3. Mare

This ghost can give you a nightmare. It is mostly active at night. Moreover, it can attack frequently. To protect yourself from this ghost you need to keep the candle or glowstick with yourself.

4. Spirit

Spirit are very silent ghost and does not harm anyone. They are not so active. They only attack when they want to. These ghosts are always ready to defend their place of death. If you come in their place of death then they can kill you.

5. Poltergeist

They are the most famous ghosts. They are famous for disturbing the physical environment. These ghosts rapidly throw objects. They create a sense of fear among the players. If you see a lot of objects falling down including paintings then it is probably a poltergeist.

6. Jinn

Jinn are special ghosts that can transfer themselves into humans and animals. They are generally faster. They can cause violence. Generally, jins are of two types i.e. good jin and evil jin. But in this game, you would mostly encounter evil Jin. They move to their maximum speed when the breaker is on. So, make sure to turn the breaker off to slow down their speed.

7. Shade

A shade is an introverted and shy ghost. It won’t appear in the ghost room if there are too many people in the room. So, the chances of attacking the ghost is when you are alone. Also, there are chances that if there are multiple persons in the room then shade won’t give any sign of his presence. So, if you want to identify shade you need to be alone in the room.

8. Yurei

Yurei is another ghost in this game that you have to discover. It will drain your sanity 25% faster than the others. So, while dealing with yurei you need to be extra cautious. I must suggest you keep your sanity soda with you.

9. Oni

Oni is a ghost which is just opposite of shade. An extroverted and more active when a large crowd is nearby. It has the power to move heavy objects around. They love to scare their victims as much as possible. Also, they give 30% faster evidence than the other ghosts.

10. Revenant

They are violent ghosts and can take more frequently. These ghosts can run at a much faster rate when they see their enemy. Also, they are known to cause more destruction than any other ghosts.

11. Phantom

Phantom are the ghosts that can drain your sanity when you keep looking at them. They are mostly summoned from Ouija Boards. Their presence may cause you some trouble.

12. Wendigo

They are strange ghosts that are known to have come from the folklore of North America. They are known to be always hungry and never satisfied. Also, they can even murder their dearest friends. Moreover, they become faster and more aggressive as your sanity drops. So, be quick in finding evidence when Wendigo is around.

13. Upyr

Upyr is known to be created when a person dies without their soul being redeemed from their sins. In the game, as the Upyr starts killing it becomes more quick. So, you need to be very attentive while dealing with Upyr.

14. Egui

Egui is given the name of the Hungry Ghost. They generally attack when they feel like you are carrying some items with you. So, they are more prone to objects rather than humans.

Now, let us see how to identify the ghosts of “Specter” on “Roblox”.

How To Identify The Ghosts Of “Specter” On “Roblox”?

The identification of the ghosts can be done through the evidence you have collected throughout the game with the help of your gadgets. Based on this evidence you can easily identify the ghost type. Moreover, below I am going to mention the type of ghost based on three pieces of evidence that I have collected in the ghost rooms. So, check it out.

S.NO Ghost Type Evidence 1 Evidence 2 Evidence 3
1. Banshee EMF 5 Fingerprints Freezing Temperatures
2. Demon Spirit Box Writings Freezing Temperatures
3. Mare Spirit Box Ghost Orbs Freezing Temperatures
4. Spirit Spirit Box Fingerprints Writing
5. Poltergeist Spirit Box Fingerprints Ghost Orbs
6. Jinn EMF 5 Ghost Orbs Spirit Box
7. Shade EMF 5 Ghost Orbs Writing
8. Yurei Writings Ghost Orbs Freezing Temperatures
9. Oni EMF 5 Spirit Box Writing
10. Revenant EMF 5 Fingerprints Writing
11. Phantom EMF 5 Ghost Orbs Freezing Temperatures
12. Wendigo Fingerprints Spirit Box Freezing Temperatures
13. Upyr EMF 5 Spirit Box Freezing Temperatures
14. Egui Ghost Orbs Spirit Box Writing

So, if you were looking for how to identify the ghosts of “Specter” on “Roblox”. Then using the above pieces of evidence you can easily identify it.

Wrapping Up!

So, this was all about how to identify the ghosts of “Specter” on “Roblox”. I have discussed everything from the gameplay to the type of ghosts. Also, you can refer to this article for full details. Moreover, if you like this article, you can share this article with game lovers. Thank You!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What questions can I ask the ghost?

Ans. If you encounter a ghost you can ask different things like

How old you are? Are you still present in the room? Switch on the light, Throw some objects, Touch me, Bang the door, etc.

Q2. Can I hide from ghosts in Specter?

Ans. Yes, definitely you can hide from the ghost but for that, you need to hide in a locker or somewhere in the corner to avoid being caught and killed.

Q3. How can I survive a hunt in Specter?

Ans. You can survive a hunt in Specter by simply running faster than the ghost. Also, there are certain ghosts who can’t run faster so you can run to survive a hunt.

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